Sunday, June 3, 2012

Monday Morning Rant/ Delhi bitching - 1

It's almost as if my  rote statement of "Oh, Delhi's not so bad - really almost everyone is quite helpful" , repeated many times over the weekend, jinxed my Monday morning.

Nobody. And I mean nobody had 300 rupees change to give me when I offered them a 500 buck note. Some even yelled at me for asking such a ludicrous question this early (read: 9 am) in the morning. Eventually I had to pay a HUNDRED rupees extra because the driver had only 200 rupees change. And this given my state of recent poverty hurt all the more.

Compare this with me hailing an auto right outside my house to go to the airport at 5 am in Mumbai, and you will understand why my Monday morning went to hell.

As my friend very aptly stated today - Delhi people hate you because you're new, hate each other and really just hate themselves. So so true.


  1. My pre-paid cab guy at the airport not only dropped me home at 1.30 a.m. last night without any incident but made great conversation about late-night traffic, found my keys (which I'd dropped from my pocket getting out of the cab), refused a tip saying 'kya sirjee, sharminda kyun kar rahe ho?' and wished me goodnight.

    Call me biased but I don't think any of that had anything to do with the fact that I'm from here. Don't let the odd incident spoil your perception of some of the best people in the world.

    1. But it's my Monday morning rant. I'm entitled to go overboard. Hmpfh.
